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Restoring old photos an old photo photoshop processing

19-07-2023 23:12   Работа и бизнес   London   224 просм Ссылка: 4openrle7Az

Область: London

Цена: 10 £

Restoring old photos: removing defects, making color

Payment on the fact of the work performed, without prepayment.

Contact for communication: telegram @andrestk


Photo restoration:

- I remove all photo defects: cracks, scratches, stains

- Restoration of elements: body parts, faces, interior elements.

- Color: from a black and white photo, I make a color with high detail.

- Enlarged photo format, can be printed in any size: A4, A3

- I remove unnecessary elements: interior, people...

At the end of the order you get: black and white + color photo

- The price depends on the condition of the original photo

- For large orders, the price is lower